Monday, August 27, 2012

New Pair of Shoes


Just got back from my hometown yesterday after a week of break for Raya. Found out that I'm short on shower cream and toothpaste so went to Jusco to get new supplies. First, I had Nandos for lunch for the first time in months. Delicious! Always love the sauces. Stopped by at the MPH Bookstore surveying the books but none really captured my interest. Besides, I have stacks of books waiting to be read anyways. SHOULD STOP BUYING BOOKS for NOW. Then I remembered that I was still wearing my mother's pair of sandals (been wearing all Raya week actually, heh!) that didn't look quite appropriate as office attire, so it's time to go look for some new shoes~

I headed straight to the ones with 50% discount written on them. Found a couple of pretty pairs but unluckily, no proper size. A little bit disappointed really, because there's one pair in nude color that really caught my interest. It was pretty comfortable. But the size 6 was the smallest they have, which was a little bit too big for me. I ended up buying a pair of high heels. I have not been in high heels for more or less 8 months after I injured my knee earlier this year, so I'm actually pretty excited, even though my initial intention was to buy a pair of comfy and formal shoes. 

Maybe I should go to the office a little bit early tomorrow. Just in case I feel awkward in the new pair and have to walk slowly and carefully. hehe. 

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