Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dirty, Sexy Money

I've been in Harry Potter mode for the past month. It's crazy, really! Watching the movies and reading the books back to back. Even found myself spending close to 100 bucks (!) for Harry Potter merchandise, including JK Rowling's old HP companion books (pretty belated to add to my collection but nevertheless, they are finally there!) but I must say the latest one "Tales of Beedle the Bard" is quite a favorite (I bought that one when my housemate gave me a free Kinokuniya discount coupon earlier this year. Thank you, dear!). I was in the middle of finishing my repeat on Book 2 when I said to myself I needed to have another distraction!

Good news, I got a bunch of Korean dramas stored in my hard drive waiting to be picked up. I tried Golden Bride (superb!) and La Dolce Vita (curious!). Bad news, i only got an episode each. You see, not so long ago I just picked random titles and downloaded their first episodes, thinking if they were any good, I'd get more later. Turns out these two are interesting enough to make me want to know more. So now i'm having a k-drama withdrawal coz I don't have enough resources to continue for the time being. Other kdrama series in store suddenly lose their appeal at the mo.

Also, I got hooked up with a low-rated ABC series Dirty Sexy Money. That's one scandalous title but compared to most American series of its nature, it's pretty decent. The series depicts a typical spoiled, glamorous, scandalous and amoral life of the rich, or in this case, one particular rich family, the Darlings, with the family lawyer at its center. The family lawyer is the darling-est of the Darlings (he's not a Darling though, but you can just say he's one coz he's just around so much and what dirty little secrets of the Darlings he doesn't know!). I was amazed with the character coz he's so calm, collected and level -headed despite the craziness that is the Darlings. The bad thing about the character though is he's so calm, collected and level-headed! But I'm more impressed than anything at the calm, collected and level-headedness so it's all good. Too bad I heard they are not continuing with another season.

All right, have you counted the number of exclamation mark I use in this entry?!!!

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