Sunday, July 19, 2009

Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince

I wanted to wait maybe a couple of days, or weeks, till the movie ticket get less expensive before I go indulging myself with the latest installment of the Harry Potter movie. But I didn't think I'd be in peace until I got it out of the way. So in the end I spent RM12 on it, and kinda feel bad now since I burst my movie budget this month. I already spent RM20 for two tickets of Ice Age. (x_x).

Anyway, it was a looooong movie. Reminds me of that Lord of the Ring. The kids have grown up, as they are since TOOTP, and the story more mature and darker. I'm a huge fan alright, but I couldn't help feeling disappointed when the movie ended this time. It left so much to be desired. The acting from the trio (Harry, Hermione, Ron) seemed to get worse as they grew up. They were soo cute and adorable when they were small I wanted to pinch their cheeks. But I hardly enjoy their performances as grown ups, except maybe Ron Weasley who's just a natural joker. Acting aside, I personally wish they didn't spend so much time on silly romances, which took away precious screen time that could have been used for plot development. Those scenes were funny I suppose, but they became annoying after a while when the main story itself was poorly developed. I wanted to know more about horcruxes, for I think that was the major plot in the book. I wanted to know how Dumbledore came to the conclusion that the third horcrux was located at the open sea. Or did I miss that??? I would have searched in the book now to recall, if only I have it here with me. To be fair, I do think they address the matter adequately to move the story forward. But my greedy self just want MOOOOOORE on that instead of the teenagers and their hormones and all those romances.

But talking about romance, I do enjoy Harry-Ginny interaction. It wasn't really subtle, but at least it was not so in-your-face like Ron's (though that was funny, if not lame). I thought it was cute how Ginny used to have major crush on Harry (if one recalls her behaviour in Book 2, or was it since Book 1?). She used to blush a lot when Harry came visit the Weasleys, no? haha. and Harry was her lifesaver in Chamber of Secrets. They indeed have quite a history together, eh?

I have two favorite scenes in Half Blood Prince the movie. One was Harry Potter and Dumbledore's journey to find the Horcrux. I thought it was done relatively well. I jumped out of my seat when Harry was trying to get some water from the lake and his hand got caught. The entire movie has been lacklustre until the scene in the cave came about, save for another favorite scene: Death Eaters attack on Weasleys' house. I love the execution of this scene. Harry who was overcome by anger to see the killer of his beloved godfather, ran without thinking across the lawn and out of the fire circle, and Ginny followed behind out of instinct. This is another suspenseful scene that I appreciate very much. There should have been more scenes like these; keep you at the edge of your seat. and poor Weasleys. I love their house.

The ending was rather anticlimatic. But with the knowledge that another movie is coming, it's understandable; it's like this movie is just a mere foundation for the real blockbuster, or so I ardently hope. I was really impressed with the author on the final book. Everything came together. If you've read the previous books and still remember the details while reading the Deathly Hollows, you'll think it's amazing how she's been building up her fiction. The things you've read before reappeared in the final book and found their closure. I was like, 'I should have paid more attention to this and this and this' - that kind of feeling. People say this so many times, that a movie can never be as good as the book it was based on. As a big fan of the book, I say this is very true. After all, you can never quite compress so many details from an-inch thick book into a mere 2-3 hours movie, though it's possible, unless you sacrifice some.

My favorite Harry Potter book is probably The Prisoner of Azkaban coz I was mad in love with Sirius Black. lol. I thought that volume was the most exciting too, with Hermione and her time travelling. It was an action-packed book, with some sentimental touch. I was depressed for days, maybe weeks when Sirius died at the end of Order of the Phoenix. But despite me loving the character, I must say he's one arrogant wizard. He wasn't exactly nice, in fact can be downright mean, and I think that cost him his life in the end. I like Snape too. I rather pitied him. He was a major character in the book Half Blood Prince, but hardly was emphasized in the movie version. I like the romances in Book 6, but in the movie, not so much. In the book, it was rather a side story that comes along nicely as the major plot evolves, but the movie focuses too much on it than necessary it's cheeeezyyy. OMG, I keep repeating myself, but can't help it!

Anyways, I do look forward to the last installment (I heard it's gonna be in two parts). Maybe out of faith that the series will go all out for its finale, or just out of loyalty and some closure for myself. Harry Potter was part of my college life after all, which I still miss sometimes.

As for Half Blood Prince the Movie, if you have never read the book, or was not an avid reader of the series, you might enjoy this. Otherwise, I think you'd be utterly disappointed, unless you go into the movie theater with an open mind and did not just finish rereading the book the night before. haha. As far as the HP movie goes, I personally prefer the first four; when the idea of Harry Potter movie was still novel and the trio were just too cute you don't mind their poor acting.

Good day!

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