Tuesday, October 04, 2005

what makes me sad lately...

I finally got the chance to borrow the sixth harry potter book : Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and finished reading it just last night. I must say... I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT VOLUME!!!!

The story was awesome as usual. last year, I cried for days after finishing the fifth volume: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The story was very touching and the ending was heart-wrenching.and now, I'm depressed after reading Volume 6. But surprisingly, I didn't cry much this time. Maybe the sadness was too deep even tears couldn't come out. Haha. In the beginning, I actually lost interest in it. I didn't know why. Maybe I could sense that the ending was gonna present me something disastrous. But during the weekend, I picked up again where I left. In general, this book has a bit more romance element in it. I was surprised by some of the unlikely couples (I mean, I wasn't expecting them to become couples AT ALL. The possibilities never crossed my mind): tonks and lupin, harry and ginny, Bill and Fleur. The only exception was maybe Ron and Hermione, coz I kinda know they gonna end up together sooner or later. And I'm dead mad at that Snape character right now. Even though I said I was sad, it wasn't because Dumbledore's dead. I didn't have that much sympathy towards that character somehow, coz I disagreed with him for trusting Snape soo much. That was the biggest mistake ever. 

The funniest word from the book is probably 'dragon pox'. Man, I laughed out loud when I read it. I reread the line that contained that words so many times, and I still find it funny even when I think about it now. LOL. Anyways, if you haven't started reading any Harry Potter book yet, go read now. The books are hilarious most of the time. Fun reading. But after the first three volumes, the endings started to leave deeper impressions in me. Made me think about 'em for days after that. Troublesome. Not that i mind. SERIOUSLY, I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT, SUPPOSEDLY LAST (?), VOLUME!

"I just wish I'd asked you sooner. We could've had ages... months... years maybe..."
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


Anonymous said...

I don't think Snape jahat la Twinnie..
Dumbledore dtill believe die till the end tu kan

Anonymous said...

tu la... i think something's missing too. maybe next volume will explain. because it's kinda dumb to think that dumbledore would believe him till the end if he's really bad. kan? tapi.... we might be wrong. can't wait to know the truth!!!

Anonymous said...

twinnie.. twinnie..
nak tahu group ape lagu best ni
dah addicted sangat2 ni